ikea skadis art area organizing all supplies and papers

Kids Craft and Toy Area Organization

Our family room kept looking like a toy and art explosion no matter how many times I seemed to tidy up.  Not only that but the kids were always asking for things since everything was just put into large toy bins with no form of organization.  It was also hard to keep track of what we had.  So I decided to create a visually appealing, organized art and toy zone that the kids could help keep organized.   I decided that we should use an IKEA SKADIS pegboard for art supply organization and then also an IKEA trofast for the toy storage. These bins are easy to use for kids and look nice once labelled. 

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ikea skadis art area organizing all supplies and papers

Pegboard Storage for Art Zone

Keep all of your art and school supplies out and easy to access using a pegboard! This makes it easy to see what you have and your kids can be part of deciding the activity by choosing what they want to play with.  I like to include stickers, paints, markers, workbooks and of course a paper sorter so my toddler can choose his paper colour!

Organized toy bins 

Digging through bins trying to find a specific toy is a moms worst nightmare! I used my Cricut (you can use labels if you don’t have a Cricut) to create bin labels and an image for each category of toy. I had my son help me choose the image that he best though suited the items in the bin. This way he knows exactly where the toys need to go during tidy up time!  I also decided on trofast storage bins as we have a similar unit in the playroom which means I can rotate the toys bins to switch things up and keep the toys interesting. 

IKEA trofast bins labeled with contents and cricut images

I hope this provides some fun inspiration for you when organizing your kids art and toy area in your house! 

Happy Organizing!


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